Below that, we have handsome, young UCW hero Jax Briggs proudly displaying the UCW All-Star Championship belt after only his third match in the federation (match #358, which caused me to experience an uncharacteristically optimistic outlook toward UCW Wrestling, human nature, and life in general). Little did I know that UCW was about to give us a Montreal Screwjob redux.
For those who missed it, match #358 concludes with Jax pinning an unconscious Eli Black for a three count (which could easily have been a thirty count). Jax then casually saunters off camera range, returns with the UCW All-Star Championship belt, and says, "Tell Eli, if he wants this, he knows where to come find me." It seemed as though UCW had finally turned a corner and ushered in a new era -- with an unfailingly respectful, totally likable young man now representing the federation (instead of a brutally sadistic megalomaniac like Eli Black).
However, as usual, the light at the end of the tunnel turned out to be an oncoming train. I didn't see it coming. I smugly savored the seeming irony of the next Inside Scoop video posted at the UCW site, in which Eli Black strutted and boasted about his ownership of the All-Star belt:
"I guess this interview took place before match #358," I remarked in a post after viewing the video.
"Jax didn't win the belt in 358; he carried it away but no ref," UCW tersely replied via their official Facebook page.
Naturally, I ranted and raved about the injustice of it all, but to no avail. Privately, UCW founder Michael "Bodyslam" messaged me and explained, "Jax isn't the champ...he didn't win the belt, there was no ref at the time...he took the belt but Eli took it back later in a blog that was lost when my computer crashed."
Personally, I'm just about ready to give up on UCW and form my own federation. I've floated the idea past several current and former UCW wrestlers, and they've all reacted in a positive manner toward the proposed venture. Referring to UCW star Pedro Espada, I posted the following message on my official Facebook:
"Pedro and I had it all figured out during our interview. My living room is big enough for a 10' x 10' mat -- we were going to call our federation LRW (Living Room Wrestling). I was going to pattern myself after Michael Bodyslam and Pedro was going to be like Ethan Axel Andrews (training the guys, hazing them in their first match). We were going to have inter-federation matches with UCW-Wrestling, too (our LRW heels would invade Philadelphia and attack the UCW faces, your UCW heels would invade CT and attack our LRW faces, etc.)"
Pedro replied with: "I would need more training before I teach others. But I like the idea *thumbs up*"
Former UCW star Damien Shamrock (aka Damien Flawless) offered: "I'd make an awesome trainer one day!"
Even the rightful champion of UCW, Jax Briggs himself, commented: "Bring your new fed to UCW and we will school them."
Honestly, that was so nice of Jax to offer free training to prospective LRW members! (That was what Jax meant, right?)
At any rate, having my own federation would allow me to load the roster with grapplers like UCW's Fab Five: Ethan Axel Andrews, Jax Briggs, Johnny Deep, Michael Hannigan, and Aron Stokes (listed in alphabetical order via last names, since I could never attempt to rank those hotties according to the degree of affection that I feel for them).
Bring on Ares let's wrestle